Advanced Yard, Feet-Inch-Fraction Concrete Construction-Math Calculator
Dimensional Math anc Conversions
- Work in and convert between building dimensions: Yards, Feet-Inch-Fractions, and Metric – including Square and Cubic formats.
- Automatic Weight per Volume; select Pounds, Tons, Kilograms or Metric Tons.
- D.M.S. to Decimal Degree Conversions.
Dedicated Functions
- Length, Width, Height keys for fast Area and Volume solutions.
- Instant Square-up and Drop for perfect layouts.
- Complete Stair calculations: Risers, Treads, Stringers and Incline Angle. Solve “not-to-exceed” Riser Height, (Store “Riser Height” and “Tread Width”).
- Rebar: find total Linear Feet and calculate Weight for Rebar Sizes; store various Rebar Size, On-center Spacing.
- Number of Loads: calculate the number of truck Loads based on Load size.
- Bags: easily determine the number of bags of concrete for small jobs.
- Circular solutions for Area, Arc, Circumference, Column and Cones.
- Automatic Block and Footing keys for material estimates.
- Polygon: calculate Full angles and Bi-sect angles.
Added Features
- User Preferences: set custom options; Fractions, Volumes, Stairwell Opening.
- Cost per Unit: quickly solve unit cost and total pricing.
- Backspace Key: easily correct entry errors.
- "Paperless" Tape: enables review of last 20 entries; double-check totals.
- Works as standard math calculator with %, +, -, x, ÷, +/-, Π, 1/x, x2, and √.
- Protective 360° Hard Cover Case
- Handy Pocket Reference Guides in English/Spanish
- Long-Life Batteries
- Full One-Year Limited Warranty